NO to Minimum Wage Increase!!!!!! (Check and Balance, People!!!!!!!!!!)

Day 492, 09:10 Published in Philippines Philippines by EZEX Lacroa

Minimum wage....... Something our people would need....... TODAY......

Even though we need higher minimum wage, have you ever look into it closely, I mean its consequences.....

If you increase the minimum wage (which isn't advisable at the time) our businesses will deteriorate......

Look at the proposal:

If we get this bill passed....... we might see the end of this country.......

If you would look into things closely, the government doesn't just raise wages without reason.....

It's because they're confident that our market could compete against others at our level.......

But this time, it's suicide.....

"Increasing the minimum wage will make it not profitable to open new Q1 businesses, thus driving your Q1 unemployment up. Your congress is voing 13 - 6 on increasing it."
- Eugene Von Kohn, USA