No Pants, No Secrets... No Kidding

Day 871, 11:09 Published in Canada Canada by Alias Vision

We interrupt our regularly scheduled pretentious scribbling to bring to you a review of the quintessential Canadian offering, No Pants, No Secrets.

I will set aside the fourth wall momentarily and in honour of my esteemed colleagues, offer my stream of consciousness thoughts on their show and... let it all hang out.

I suppose the I should start by not using words like "quintessential" and "esteemed" as I wouldn’t want to go so far above their heads as to be below them... this sounds like an auspicious starts... fark, there I go with the big words again.

No Pants, No Secrets is a phenomenon I came to late for the very simple reason that my computer possesses no sound. It took my smuggling the wife's iPod one evening when she was watching garbage TV to discover just what I had been missing.

The first show I listened to almost gave me a nose bleed caused by an over enthusiastic snort from an unexpectedly inappropriate comment that came out of left field. I had been entertained and so I was hooked.

To those not familiar with the show, it is co-hosted by three of my colleagues in the Writers' Guild of Canada: Acacia Mason, Adasko and Fram... which really only proves one thing and that is that the WGC lets anyone in if they grease the right palms... but more on that later (and a lot of that on the show).

Acacia Mason is the conductor of this vulgar little opera in a format that allows him to let his hair down... and Fram to shave his... ahem... moving on... So often Fram plays straight man to the other two... wait, that doesn’t work either... I guess he does, in contrast to Adasko in any case who knows no boundaries. Or rather he found the boundaries, looked across them and decided it was much more fun on the other side, turned to Acacia and offered to rent it for a few gold... but I digress.

Have I mentioned it is irreverent and vulgar? And likely the most welcome addition to our stuffy media world in recent memory. One word of warning, the easily offended and overly sensitive should stay away. Ok, that was more than one word...

The hidden gem of this show, window dressing... or undressing aside, is the current affairs commentary. Acacia, Adasko and Fram are extremely well read and up to date commentators on both the Canadian and International scenes. In between the Octavian hazing and references to Scorpius' mom... (between you and me, Scorp wins on this one and the joke is on the three amigos... no idea what I'm talking about? Ok... try this on, "And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire"... yeah. Now Adasko really will want to change the song) where was I? Oh right... so between those edifying (really need to work on that) exchanges are some truly quality analysis on the past, present and future of Canada and their position internationally.

Now sometimes they go over the line (remember that boundaries issue I mentioned earlier) and listeners will be forgiven for thinking that the show would be better if it was titled Short Pants, Mostly No Secrets.

The New World media does not allow for an explicit rating and not having the setup for a podcast I must be content with this alternative instead. Still I will attempt to share with you some of the gems as heard on the latest instalment of the show.

First there was...

... and that, ladies and gentleman, is why you should listen to this show.


Thank you for reading... thank you for listening... thank you for talking.

If you don't like it, I will borrow once more from the show and leave you with this:

There was a fan and a vacuum and the fan turned to the vacuum and said...
