No More Congress Manifestos!

Day 1,129, 03:41 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by deVillefort

Every month, starting at around the 20th we get the media block that is the congress manifesto. Almost none of them ever make the top 5. If done by a congressional veteran the manifesto is usually a large CV to let you know that they know what they're talking about. If the manifesto is done by a congressional newbie, it usually talks about transparency, regional loyalty and forum activity. As usual there's always a pick of cringe worthy promises made by a few of our congress hopefuls, I'm not going to name where these came from but they have all been written in the past few days:

"As your very own dedicated Congress Member, I promise to hold Wales as a key region in the politics of the UK, fulfilling values vital to our region"

"Minimum Wage - The United Kingdom's minimum wage is 0.8 GDP. At the same time, prices of food are sky-rocketing! This seems very Elitist to me, and this Elitism needs to be changed, for the better! Why should new players get so little, yet those who own the companies begin rolling in the GDP!"

"I really think by at this stage of the the eWorld our nation should be the leader in healthcare so If elected I will want to see the construction of nothing but the best to aid the fallen troops
health related uses"

"And unlike all the other candidates I stay in the West Midlands all the time so I am always there when you need me. If you look at the other candidates they have all moved from London trying to get into congress before leaving and turning their back on you all. I promise I will stay here and continue trying to help the West Midlands"

Personally I'd find it much easier if all congress manifestos were done in a simple format.

Congress Manifesto for December
1. I am running under the UKRP so if you aren't in this party I'm guessing you aren't even considering voting for me in the first place.

2. I am running in the East Of England so I hope that means you wont be voting for me as you should be in London.

3. Meh I've been a congressman three times before but I still consider myself a noob.

4. If you're the type of person who has not yet moved to London even after all the articles, PMs and links you're probably not the sort of person who logs on on Christmas Day to vote. And even if you are it'll probably be late in the evening when you're so drunk that you'll probably end up voting for the wrong person anyway. This proves exactly how pointless these manifestos are.

deVillefort, Another congressman annoyed that you no longer get xp for voting.