No bribes in eSouth Korea

Day 1,009, 09:50 Published in South Korea Romania by Carlos Bianchi
No bribes in eSouth Korea

Say NO!

Don´t sell your vote! Don´t sell yourself!

Be honest!

For a honest Country! Save our treasury and our minds!

They wants to pay people for vote against me in these elections. People who before this were my friends. Some ones accuses me to be a PTOer, because I´m not South Korean in real life, BUT many people in eSouth Korea aren´t korean in real life. Many of them are from USA, Poland, Croatia, England in real life and I never accused them of PTO. I´m also member of the eSK forum.

I wanna retire myself from politics in erepublik and it will be my last election here if I get elected. I don´t wanna keep bothering you forever. Everyone here know my real face and know I´m a real person. I´m a cool person in real life too.

Then, vote Carlos!

Vote Carlos Bianchi today for a better eSouth Korea.