NNL Lottery Jackpot Winners!

Day 202, 12:47 Published in Norway Norway by Salve

I want to thank everyone for participating in the fourth drawing for the "Norwegian National Lottery", making this jackpot our highest payout ever. Also I'd like to give an extra special thanks to Borgen, whom has donated a whooping 459 NOK to the lotto, allowing me to add the second and third place prizes I've wanted to! I'd also like to welcome everyone to play again for the fifth drawing that I will be putting on same time next weekend.

Anyway without further stalling the winner of the 565.60 NOK jackpot is ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ .......

First - ChrisRocks 565.60 NOK
Second - Gotrekki 137.70 NOK
Third - Spycho 91.80 NOK

Congratulations! And good luck to everyone in the next drawing!

As promised here is the breakdown for all tickets sold

heivoll 25
ChrisRocks 200
Gotrekki 10
inunova 5
Jotaro_Kujo 1
Gjok 10
GozMit 10
Billy JB 20
Mahias T 10
Spycho 30
Imsdal 10
stiaand 74
Ergo Proxy 8
HateBot 10
norveska 1
424x .9= 382

Borgen's 459 NOK donation
459x .40=183.60
459x .30=137.70
459x .20=91.80
459x .10=45.90