Nithraldur / Severin - Presidential manifesto: The voices of reason!

Day 530, 13:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by Nithraldur

Warm greetings to all residents of Ireland,

In this little article you will find a manifesto for the next presidential elections, in which I, Nithraldur or in short Nith, will be running. Maybe this is also a good moment to announce that Severin will be put up for Vice – President. This manifesto is co – written and we both have the same views, yet Severin has a more trendy approach whilst I will offer the more experienced side of the medallion, which we believe will make us a more complete government capable of taking all of the new hurdles.

For all the relatively new people, I will again offer the same short biography I offer each time I put up a manifesto. For the ones who already know me, forgive me if it’s the same, but my past hasn’t changed 🙂

I believe I belong between Ireland’s remaining and active old residents, having joined here for over a year ago. Ireland has been my only home (except for a week in Belgium when I started out), and I intend to keep it like this. Having supported party presidents in their decisions as well as providing public relations has broadened my spectrum on how to effectively be a member and/or a leader of a governmental instance. I have been the Irish ambassador for France, The Netherlands and currently still being the Irish ambassador for Canada. I am also holding the position of Ceann Comhairle and I’m, of course, always watching those forums.

We have recently revitalised the IUP image which has been detailed in one of Severin’s previous articles. If you wish to know more about those I suggest you look them up in his newspaper, as I will not waste your time here by reposting those if you are one of the people out there who have already read it.

Now, on to business!!

Defense – Since Igor left the IDF has been in urgent need of a Minister of Defense and if elected I will ensure that someone active and dedicated gets the job. Reforms have been suggested to the IDF however there is little point in reforming a system that has proved to be fruitful in the past. We need to first organize the IDF before we ever enter into discussions on reforming it.

Where I stand we have enough infrastructure in eIreland and there is no need for another Q4 hospital (any lower Q would be useless) nor is there a need to invest in defense systems. The best thing we can do for our defense is implement long awaited war games, which would increase the military ranks and experience of our citizens as well as boost our economies productivity, the people’s general wellness level and might even attract more people. Our military will also get better organised due to these games, which will reduce response times, allowing us to act in time when it’s needed. It is in the best interest's of our defense (and economy) that as much citizens as possible remain here rather than jump to and from battle's abroad.

War games are an effective way to encourage people to stay. An active organized army combined with a good health system and competitive employment will keep eIreland safe from possible threats in the future.

Our ongoing MPP with the United Kingdom is also very much important for our defense. Unfortunately our relations with the United Kingdom are not as warm as they once were. We should seek a more friendly footing with the United Kingdom and aid our ally when he needs it as they would do the same for us and have already done so in the past.

Economy – It is very important that state companies provide jobs to new citizens, allowing them a fair wage, survivability and the necessary experience to advance. Many citizens in eIreland have voiced their concerns about the current system. Severin proposed a bill last month on restructuring state jobs and is currently discussing a new one for this month. Private companies should be allowed to compete with state companies for employees in the interest of efficiency and giving our citizens greater freedom. I have acknowledged many different systems in the past and will actively seek new ways to improve upon the current situation.

In regard to inflation, as I have said before there is no quick fix to the current situation. Using state gold to make an intervention is not wise and we simply do not have the necessary funds to make such an intervention. Furthermore, there are third parties who could easily outspend the government, reducing our effectiveness even more and limiting what little options we have. The best thing we can do is combine our intellect and try and reach a consensus on how to deal with the current situation. Patton recently proposed a plan to amend the situation and we should continue to discuss the merits of such a plan and seek similar ideas.

As far as Patton’s idea goes, we can build on this. Combining this economic aspect with the defense aspect. Providing our surplus to nations in need, where we believe that we can make a difference. We can offer them goods they need for a fair price. We might even make a small loss, but keep in mind, state companies are always a loss, ANY sale reduces the cost. In any case, this is still offering aid in a rather more pacifist way, but every small piece adds up and there are no downsides.

Government - I still firmly believe in a consensus driven government. I have implemented this in the past and it has proven to be effective in ruling out irrelevant bills and speeding up important ones. Furthermore, ministerial positions should be giving out based on merit and not any political affiliation.

Those who are applying for cabinet positions should first consult with the minister of information in order to get told how to approach the job and how to handle things. This way they will have a notion on how things work and don't get thrown in like new rats. Of course, this idea could only start off next elections, as people now did not know about it and thus haven’t informed themselves. To make sure this happens, we may perhaps include a separate thread where each minister let's the government know which citizen has attained which level of understanding at his or her function. This is to give the aspiring ministers some knowledge about how to handle things and the daily routine, so we don't have to start from scratch every new election.

Finally, in the interest of transparency a budget should be released weekly, or at least ahead of a distribution, (after all, citizens deserve to know where their taxes are going) and I would like to see the government engage more with everyday citizens through the media.

Foreign Policy – Ensuring that eIreland continues to talk with and engage with other nations is very important for our intelligence, defense and our foreign relations. Fostering good connections with as many countries as possible is something we should strive for and no country should be let mistaken as to what this great Isle stands for. We need to put ourselves out there and be assertive while offering fair and relevant taught on recent events.

I would propose eIreland host an international conference for Congressmen to discuss global issues. Such a conference could be arranged on a forum and could take place on a IRC channel. This would help put eIreland on the map and would send out a positive message abroad. This however hasn’t been done yet by Ireland and will require some work, but if this idea is welcomed I will see it trough.

Atlantis and PEACE have both used underhanded and appalling tactics in the past however it would be naive to simply dismiss the idea of joining either alliance. eIreland should remain neutral as long as no real argument is made to join either alliance. If situations change, eIreland should bind her time (without interference from outside influences) and make a rational choice on joining any alliance. The alliance in question should respect what we stand for and the ideals we have long protected. Suffice to say, our current MPP with the United Kingdom is fine for now and any additional alliance would be an unnecessary burden on our economy.

I am sure many of you have read about South Africa's recent plight for liberation. A vote was brought before the Congress asking for the IDF to interference however it is highly unlikely the IDF will be organized in time. The light of recent events, Brazil blocking off South Africa, has demonstrated that the IDF can use, indeed, a better organisation. In past we were promised many times the IDF would be send abroad on peace keeping missions however talks always amounted to nothing. eIreland should not only promise to protect smaller nations around the new world however we should ensure we have an organized force ready to go at any call to ensure these promises are kept.

Furthermore, we should sell weapons to small developing countries at a fair price with approval of our government and an agreement with the government in question. Our weapons should never be sold to war mongering countries like Indonesia. We are a freedom loving country (who have experienced a TO in the past) and it is our moral obligation to spread this ideal abroad and help other countries in peril.

War Games. This has been promised time and time again yet never implemented here in eIreland. I would like to see that promises made to the eIrish people become realities in the future. I would ensure war games are seen through with either the USA or Canada as this will make use of the new hospital in Cork and Kerry ,not to mention there is little point in canceling a long established treaty with the United Kingdom ,as this would leave us much more vulnerable than before. Organising war games is a difficult progress, therefore I would like to see the people informed about what stage the talks are in. This way the people will be less frustrated because they know what the hold up is, nobody should be left in the dark, especially not when concerning something this important.

Society - We have seen a drop in our population this month. The strength of eIreland's future relies on new citizens. I shall seek ways to attract citizens and more importantly create incentives for people to stay in eIreland. There is really one way about it and if all the points in this manifesto are realized it will lead to a more attractive environment. It is not enough to simply ensure good wages we need to also ensure a good government, defense, health care and organization etc..We should continue informing new citizens and we should ensure that nobody is left behind in eIreland.

I believe in strength through unity and only together can this country move forward. Recently a new health program has been introduced and I will see to it that it succeeds and applaud the work pdiddy has done so far as Health Minister. Implementing a Supreme Court is an issue that has recently been brought before the eIrish people. This can simply only be used as role play as no matter what they 'rule', nothing can be made binding unless the admins enforce our constitution. Finally, it is imperative that the eIrish government remain in constant communication with the people it serves so that our politicians can be accountable for.

*rolls the end credits*

This is my manifesto for this month. It’s rather lengthy, as most of my articles are when I publish one, but I hope this is welcomed. I have tried to include as many vital issues as I could think of. There probably are some more, but we all want to get on with our lives and not just sit here and grow grey hairs just from reading yet another manifesto. Time to move on and get things done!
All I can say is, if you favor someone who has proven to be reliable, experienced and above all, straight to the point whilst not afraid to kick up some dust when it’s needed, than I’m your man.

United we stand! Divided we will fall..

For Ireland!!

Nithraldur – Presidential candidate for the Irish Union Party (IUP)