NHS update

Day 2,286, 12:26 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Health

Hello peoples,

Dr Kawishiwi here, and just wanted to let all of yall generous people out there know that I have taken the reigns as Director again so Madelina could focus on the mentor scheme. This is my 5th time as Director and 11th time as a supplier.

We operate on the generous donations of you, the people. Each day we donate food to about 70 younger citizens while the mentoring portion workers to make sure the younger players feel confident with how the game works and strives to help them reach self-sufficiency. Each day, we send out about 4k-5k Q5 food and we can only operate with your help.

This month we have multiple people helping supply. Our suppliers are Niemand, Madelina de Melrose, Viridi, KinkyPsychopath, alan warwickshire, Robin Redcap, amd Steorling.

If you would like to donate, feel free to send it to either me or alan warwickshire and we will put it to helping the participants of the program. You can either donate by sending cc or food.

Thankyou for helping the NHS,
Dr Kawishiwi
Supreme Commander of the NHS and all it's Dominions