NHS: Help for young UK players

Day 2,220, 12:08 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Ministry of Health

The National Health Service (NHS) is a private run organisation to help new UK players. We give each of them max 1000 energy per day depending on how much experience they gained (10 energy per experience).

Message to New Players!
We encourage you to focus on training more then anything! Fighting is important, but only when you have high strength. We encourage you to fight as little as possible and save up so you can upgrade your Training Grounds

When you are under level 28 you can enlist here. We are happy to help you with energy and advice.

When you need advice, check this tutorial or write us.

Many have joined our services. We have 80 participants now, we give about 4-5k Q5 a day away, and they average 75 experience a day.

As we are depending on gifts, we are happy we get a lot of them.
We thank Bardokva, BaskB, Chemical Chaos, ChewChewShoe, CptChazbeard, Cygnus X1, Dominic May, dutchsam, Elle Roslin, emergy maxfell, Fight and Produce, gibbomd, harveytailbanger, ijimmygame, Jock Leithead, John GB, jny123, Leo Balzac, Luke Braferd, morrisseyisgod, N W G, panourgo.provato, Paulus_G, pearson corp, Perry Rhodan, Philip Solo, Pingelhoek, Rastaman121, Rodney Mckay, Ryan Taylor, Sam010, SDanny, Sigfred Zachariasen, Sir Winston S Churchill, Sven Goran Duran-Duran, The Dragon Fluffer, Thedark ace, Ullok, Viridi, Vistulus, WookieO and Zaphod for their donations. Without donations we are nothing.

If you would like to look at our spreadsheet in which you can find all we do, you can find it here

Thank you,
Your NHS Team

Dr Kawishiwi
alan warwickshire
Madelina de Melrose
Lord Cronosyn