Day 423, 08:13 Published in Australia Australia by Juan Tamad

EREPUBLIK OUTSIDER - We make some weird noises, but now we ain't foolin'.


This has got to be the most outrageous incident ever since the liberation of EAustralia.

Disclaimer: this is gonna be down right mean, but this has gone far enough.

Let's talk about the Hammer of Thor - hey they're pretty patriotic, they want to liberate EAustralia from the EIndonesians; well that's down right great. Wait a minute, what's the problem? Well...

It's the fact that it's led by a bunch of FANATICS OUT FOR THEIR OWN PERSONAL GAIN.

"Well Mr. Juan, what proof may you have of their intentions?"

Let's get the picture straight.

1. Everyone wants to free the whole of EAustralia from the Indonesians. At least, all those who believe in every EAussie's right to be free from oppression - from those who take our resources.
2. There are two ways of achieving this:
- Diplomacy (i.e. cooperating with the demands of the EIndonesians - which is a slow process but is going on steadily)
- War

What's the problem with war?

1. The fact that the EIndonesians are going to crush us by numerical superiority, economical advantage, and with their global political power, there's not much help that's gonna arrive on our side.
2. Thus we would have had nothing to gain.

What about Atlantis?

1. Well look at the situation right now regarding EArgentina: an example of how the members of Atlantis act when their allies need their help... THEY DON'T DO THEIR ALLIANCE THING WELL.
2. So, we'll get crushed. Period.

Is there something to gain in war?

1. Experience xD OH YES.
2. A beating? - A LOT of this.

What's to lose?


Basically, look the eIndos and their government aren't really saints, but hey, they gave us land they rightfully got through war - although it seems greedy on their part, and I agree it is, they're not necessarily evil. They gave us a chance right?

Okay, you're right Juan, war isn't right... But why would you say the Hammer of Thor is just after their own interests?

1. They're a bunch of hammer-heads.
2. Nah, I'm kidding (not really).
3. I have just proven that their main objective: "Our main goal is to destroy all members of PEACE and if we also get an allied such as Australia on the mission it’s even better" ... will use war as their strategy --- and this is totally gonna work against EAustralia.
4. They're allied WITH ATLANTIS, it's their objective not ours.
5. Did I say hammer-heads?

So what are their goals?

1. Experience - probably
2. Economic gain - donations to possibly to support their "cause"
3. To reduce our knowledge regarding the rules in spelling and grammar - (WITH THE STRENGHT !!!! , information is as correct as possibly!!!!, members of PEACE and if we also get an allied such as Australia!!!!)
4. Promote Viking religious beliefs? (say again?)
5. Personal Reasons? hah.

In short, they're a group of opportunists just waiting to get their chance.

Hey, I mean going all the way on the role play here in Erep is alright, but these articles and not well-thought of comments are just gonna brainwash the newbs. They'll give a bad impression on EIndonesia, and our competence as people of EAustralia. Think about that.

So when you guys tell us off, and say the more experienced citizens of EAustralia are traitors, please think again. Your racist slurs and B***S*** writing are not welcome here.

THE EREPUBLIK OUTSIDER RULES (and EAustralia too woohoo) - you guys blow.

Hammer of Thor - You get an F for well... I leave the citizens to say.

*By the way --- I like Star Trek but that Picard guy with the Hammer, makes me wanna forget my childhood.