Thor's hammer revealed!

Day 423, 18:58 Published in Australia Japan by undergeneral

As you all know lately Picard has been killing article after article about Thor's hammer so I Pmed him about details of this cult of his. I however put his messages through word to make him more understandable due to his terrible grammar and this is not made up.

Me: Can you tell me more about it (your cult)?

Picar😛 “The cult of the dungeon master comes from eAustria. they want to help the world by trying to root out corruption in governments and organizations. and they have lately focused on what eIndonesia is up to here on eAustralia. so they sent a man to infiltrate them(don't know his real account name but he is called the "TRUTH BRINGER") and he came with some grave news indeed. he discovered that eIndonesia have an secret operation called "the black plague", i think that you have heard of them. and also that they have an secret alliance with eUSA and china. they are planning to sell our oil-rich regions to eUSA and our diamond-rich regions to china. and if that isn't enough, they are also planning to take our last region by earning our trust and then back stab us. we need to act now, Thor´s hammer, a army from the north has come to save our mighty country. and the cult will arrive soon, and then they will help us reclaim our kingdom and strike out eIndonesia from the world map. g´day mate.”

Me: Where exactly is this Northern army from?

It's a underground group from eSweden. what more can I do for you? Fight for Australia, g´day mate.

Me: How many exactly are in this Northern army?

Picar😛 “......”

Funny how they can't make up their mind on whether they're based in eAustria and eSweden. Don't believe them they don't care about this country only to impress us with their fancy names considering their numbers are unknown even to them. This country is growing slowly but surely so don't join these extremists with no chance of succeeding. Slow and steady wins the race remember that always.