News & Notes

Day 484, 20:01 Published in Canada Canada by Derek Harland

I don't really have a specific topic that I have in mind for writing today so I am just going to bring up some things I have noticed so far.

- I PMed Zanalan saying I will vote for the 5 gold, you know the story of what to do. Needless to say, I haven't received my gold. I probably should've known this right off the bat since some people immediately coined it as a joke but I thought they were actually serious. And then I saw Banach's article and that really cinched it to me that it was true. I was really excited to see 5 gold added to my account considering I only have 3. CSD got me all excited, and yanked it away from me, avoid voting for CSD in the next election!

- I am looking forward to participating in Banach's media contest next week. I have been looking to showcase my media writing abilities and promote my newspaper around a little bit and this should be a good opportunity. I am doing my piece on March 23rd, not sure what topic about but I am excited to see what topic they assign me. Anyways, when you see my article, vote for me! I could really use the 15 gold grand prize.

- I have noticed that at this time of the month, people running for congress campaign hard and write a lot of articles. In fact the top 5 latest articles are all about people vouching themselves for congress. I can't wait to be apart of this and am only 32 XP away!

- This is really all I am going to write about today. There really isn't too much to write about and I don't want to bore you guys any longer.

Have a great night and if you want to make mine even better, subcribe to The Alternate View!

This is Derek Harland signing off.