News - February 20th 2009

Day 458, 20:19 Published in China Croatia by logomaster304
CDN Market News

▬Food Prices▬
Q1: $1.44
Q2: NA
Q3: $32.4
Q4: NA
Q5: NA

Rest of the Chinese Market is Open. So go buy a company now and start selling your products!!

CDN Economy News

GDP: 58.51 Gold

Average Salary: $4.22 CNY

Gold Exchange Price: $194.9 CNY

CDN Politics News


logomaster304 - Chinese Equality Party
pyroelectricity - Chinese Equality Party
food2rax - Democratic Party of China
Laffopuritain - Democratic Party of China
onepiece - Democratic Party of China

gamer123 - Chinese Equality Party
Ras Tafari - Democratic Party of China
Shevade - Democratic Party of China
ultimateSoilder - Democratic Party of China
Rinaldi - Democratic Party of China


This message that I am writing is to mainly to food2rax and Ras Tafari. First off, I think you guys are great people. first you freed eChina and then you guys started many companies. but just like how you feel that I am here to Politically takeover eChina, I cant help but feel the same way about you guys.

Its probably because I haven't been able to really talk to you guys 1 on 1, but either way, this isint good for the country. Its only hurting the country and making it weaker by making it choose sides. So, I will go ahead and say this:

I am deeply sorry if in the past I have said anything to make you guys angry or feel that I am here for any kind of takeover. well, I am not and I don't mind differences. Being different is a good thing but I just don't want to be any kind of hate going around. We are all here for one main reason and that's to help rebuild eChina. so lets get along and do that.

again, I am sorry if I said anything wrong in that past, I would like to work together with you guys for a better eChina just like everyone else. In this small nation we are the oldest players and we have to set a good start for eChina so please put away any kind hate you might have and lets work together.

Also, I am running for Congressman of Anhui.

Thanks for reading,

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