Newest Scripts - Repost

Day 642, 21:04 Published in USA USA by Endy
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So, its been awhile since my last article; but in my defense there's been a lil' ol' world war going on and I had RL distracting me. Anyways saw a newspaper in a foreign language talking about a couple of my scripts and I decided that was a sign from the eGod that I should get back in gear.

Newest Script

Highlight2Translate ER Only

A modified version of one I found, you can highlight any text (of any language) on the screen, a translation box will appear near your cursor and the text will be translated into English (using Google language api). Been beautified and no longer attempts to translate your own language like the original(was unimaginably irritating, trust me on this one).

Other People's Scripts

I know, it shocked me too, but other human beings are out there modding ER to their heart's content. Here are a few of my own favorites from [url=http://userscripts.orgtarget=blank][/url]

eRepublik Unit Leader

By Rguiu

eRepublik Unit Leader, you can follow other players wellness and location, able to calculate a player's damage. Add people using their name.

Old eRepublik icons

By Gesau

Do you long for the icons of yesterday? Does the new manly arm muscle creep you out or cause you to need a "lie down"? Well, banish them back to whence they came with this script to change them to their old style.

Custom eRepublik icons

By Gesau

Why live in the past? Why not create something new? Install this script and change the icons to ones fit for your new world.


By Tei

Adds a button to messages to make the current message your "signature". This text will be added to any new message you write.

~ Good for form letters(say one you might like to send to employees/voters) instead of just a signature line.


All of these scripts run using Fire Fox's add-on">Greasemonkey, which allows for easy customization of online sites.

End Note: In case anyone is curious admin modified papers so we can't use inline script any more. Unfortunately this means the cool color changing links are gone, but on the flip side though someone couldn't rather easily hack your account(that way anyways) so there's a silver lining in there.

*Note: Should not test css properties on current news articles... must remember not to do again...

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