Newbie Improvement

Day 1,883, 08:00 Published in Finland Turkey by Otto Palavandishvili

Hey eFinland People

It is my first article for eFinland,i ll tell some opinions how can we improve newbie system i already see no babyboom in finland but we don’t help eachother here i have got some suggestions about that topic

1) Create new mu or choose a mu than all newbie regroup there
2) All 30 level over suplly what they want somewhere
3) That supllys can be stocked but firstly suplly the newbies for improve
4) We have got power and newbies start to love erepublik don’t runaway from this game
5) We need Organazination in eFinland everyone playing for selfs we keep eachother than we going to take new lands

Thank you for reading

summary: create organization and keep eachother tight
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