Newbie guide: Using a hospital to gain wellness

Day 883, 05:12 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by Agito Wanijima Sang PresDir

I know this has been published many many times before, but this is just being re-published so that I can provide a guide for a few newbies I'm busy helping out, so please, no need to point it out that it's old news etc etc. Some people actually might want to learn.

Training wars

Usually, when the country isn't fighting for an ally (or itself) in a real war, we have training wars going on. This is like a real war, but based on an agreement so that the citizens of the countries party to the agreement can get the benefits of a real war.

What are the benefits?

The two main benefits are that you gain military experience and that you can then use a hospital to gain wellness.

How the hospital works

You gain up to 10 times the quality rating of the hospital in wellness. eSouth Africa only has Q5 hospitals, so you will gain up to 50 wellness points (I say up to, because you can't have more than 100 wellness) when you heal.

The rules for using a hospital are:

* You have had to fight at least once on that day
* You cannot use a hospital more than once a day
* The region you live in must have a hospital. In eSouth Africa you have to live in Limpopo or the Free State to use the hospital - if you don't, you have to move.

Taking part in a fight

Each time you fight in a battle, you lose 10 wellness, but you gain military experience based on a combination of the weapon you are using, your current rank and your wellness.

The rules for fighting are:

* You have to have more than 0 strength (i.e. at least trained once at the Training Grounds)
* You have to have more than 25 experience points (i.e. be level 5 or above)
* Your wellness must be 40 or higher
* Your country must have an active battle (you can see this by going to the Training Grounds and selecting Battles you can fight in

Remember, anyone that meet the above rules can take part in a fight - you don't have to leave your job or be part of the military - any citizen can do this.

So how do I do all this?

First off, remember that it's better to work with really high wellness, so try to train first, then fight, then heal and lastly to work to maximise your productivity to your employer.

After training, go to the Battles you can fight in screen (accessed from the Training Grounds). If there is an active battle, click on it. This takes you to the battlefield, now, click on Fight to fight the first time. You will now be shown how much damage you have done and given the option to Fight again - if required, fight again (see below). Keep fighting until you shouldn't fight anymore to maximise your military experience.

A general guide is to fight until your wellness is between 45 and 55 and then heal (this entire guide is based on using a Q5 hospital).

If your wellness is below 65 to start off with, only fight once. It's usually easier to just monitor your wellness while fighting, but I'll give a guide below anyway:

Wellness below 65: Fight once only
Wellness between 66 - 75: Fight once
Wellness between 76 - 85: Fight three times
Wellness between 86 - 95: Fight four times
Wellness above 95: Fight five times

How do I heal?

The easiest way to get to the hospital is to click on your citizen name below your citizen's avatar. In the location section, you'll see the region you are in - this should be Free State or Limpopo, just click on the region name. The region information which comes up will show you the hospital with a heal button next to it. Just click on that and you will gain up to 50 wellness points! If the heal button is not there, you either did not fight yet or you've already used the hospital for the day (remember a day in eRepublik is different to a day in real life - in South African time a day runs from 10am to 10am in our summer and from 9am to 9am in our winter).