New Year, Same Devotion

Day 1,519, 16:58 Published in USA USA by portcolumbus

First Run in a New Year

As we all should be well aware of, the Congressional Election season has officially kicked off, and as someone who plans to run, I see it as my duty to the American people to bring to you an article that outlines some ideas I would like to pursue if elected in this term. As you all are aware of, I served three terms last month before leaving Congress in November for some time off. I lost in December to a candidate that the NCP put forth, and during the last month I have again done more thinking, seen where I could do better, and come up with some ideas, mostly re-makes of previous ideas, and today, I'm proud to share them with you all.

Committee on Newbie Affairs

Yes folks, though the name might be a bit un-official, the idea is a good one at heart. This would either be a special committee set up by Congress or something like a "Newbie's Bureau" to help direct newer players in the right direction for assistance. It would offer them advice on finance, fighting, the political system, and the media, and could help them find their best path for long-term success in this game. I know this idea might not work, but I see no reason why not to attempt and set up a more aggressive assistance program in order to address the hardships that might face our nation's youngest players.


The very thing Congress has most say about, the tax code. Recently, the Economic Council (EC) recommended the income taxes for all industries be lowered to 18%, with possible moves to the VAT in the future. I support this proposal and would like to see it pass as soon as possible. It will mean more money in the wallets of the people, and hopefully, more money pumped back into the economy. As long as we keep the reserve growing, I see no reason to keep taxes above 20%, and the 18% is plenty close for me.


This is an issue of concern regardless of the climate, but currently, I see no reason to make any changes to the military or what its goals are. I would love to continue to see us fight for the destruction of ONE, and to make sure all Americans get to jump in on that achievement.


Though this election will be the first one for Congress in the new year, you can rest assured that I have no lost the same integrity and devotion to service for America that I had in the last one. In fact, I'd like to do a better job this term than in any I have ever served before. That being said, it helps to have the support of friends like Cody Caine, Jamarcus, Kooguy, and so many others who continue to provide support for me in all the actions that I take. I thank them for their support, and offer them all of it in return.

This isn't about me getting a fourth medal, it never has been. This has been about me giving a month's time for the American people. I have never been inactive when in Congress save for thirty-six hour period during the last term shortly after my October election. To my knowledge, I was present in most discussions and never missed a sign-in. I consider myself to be an average Congressman, but now, I want to be a great Congressman. The people expect more than just "average", they expect service in its highest degree.

All I can say to you now is a vote for me is a vote for progress, a vote for service, and a vote for America. When I get the state I'll be running in, then I'll definitely write you all an article. Make sure to keep posted as I try to once more continue my service to the American people.

Proud American