New Term, Old Faces - Statement of Intent

Day 750, 04:56 Published in Ireland Ireland by The Irish Community

Dear all,

This article is mostly to confirm that I am staying on as Minister of Community this term and the lovely 😎ayan has agreed to stay on as my deputy.

In this inaugral article of the term I want to make a few confirmations/requests and do the traditional re-post of the rules for the eIrish Lottery for those who may not have seen them or who have forgotten them.

1) The eIrish Community Awards will make their third outing this month, and I anticipate opening the voting on them on Monday.
2) The lottery will continue as normal, save for the draw date will now be Tuesday, as this is the day that our administration will finish and it saves messing around for whoever holds the job next.
3) I am, once more, looking for people willing to donate goods or funds for prizes to the MoC. As with my last term you will recieve your due credit in articles on this org. I hope to have the first competition of this administration up and running on Friday, eGod willing.
4) I am contemplating running some kind of 'Secret Santa' event for the eIrish but I'm not sure how practical that is, given the limited nature of goods available and wide difference in what people in eIreland tend to be able to afford. Suggestions on variations welcome.

And now, the lottery recap:

The lottery balls are already rolling for the first time this term, though we started them at the end of the last one. This week will have a slightly extended entry period as the draw will be held on Tuesday 15th December 11pm GMT (3pm eRep time), with ticket sales stopping two hours prior. This is so that the last draw of my term takes place on Tuesday 5th January, the day before I hand over the keys to the next administration. This means less messing about at the handover for me and my successor.

Entry is simple. First donate 5IEP per ticket you wish to purchase to this account. You can purchase up to FIVE tickets and may make one lump sum donation (for example 10 IEP for two tickets, rather than sending two seperate lots of 5 IEP). In fact one lump sum donation tends to make my life easier if you're buying in one go (if you're buying a couple days apart then that's fine) and their number choices may be submitted in one accompanying PM. For each ticket you've purchased you need to choose any number you like from 1-50 and PM this account with your number choice. As other events are sometimes run from this org please be sure to mark the PM 'Lottery' or similar.

If a person makes a donation but doesn't PM me I will assume the money is a donation, though I will try to PM them to prompt them for a lottery pick first. After the closing time of the lottery a random number generator (there are countless online, no pun intended) will be used to select a random number from 1-50.

Any citizen holding that number would win the prizefund. If two or more citizens won the pot would be divided equally between them. If no citizen did then the person(s) with the closest number would win half of the prizefund, divided equally between them. The other half of the prizefund would ‘rollover’ to the following draw.

So, in numerical terms;

75% of monies received in that draw period given to the prizefund, and then onto the winner(s).
12.5% to the Community org (unless the Community org is at its 500IEP cap)
12.5% to the Irish State Community Fund.
(In weeks where Community org is at 500IEP 25% to ISCF)

In weeks where no-one picked the actual number:

37.5% to prizefund, divided equally between winner(s)
37.5% added to the following draw’s jackpot (which would be thereafter advertised as a rollover)
25% to SCF, or half and half to SCF and Community Org when Community Org is below cap

500IEP is the current amount currently held by this organisation that belongs to it's own funds.

Winnings will be immediately transferred to the winner following the announcement of who won in an article in this newspaper.

You won't have to claim it or risk losing it like in the real world.

Thanking you for your time,