New survey! And some news from eLithuania

Day 1,031, 13:02 Published in Estonia Lithuania by samanaslt

Hello, eLithuanian ambassador in eEstonia again with you. For first of all, I want to thank all estonians for keeping all my writed articles in top places, so don't stop doing it - vote and subscribe for my articles. Thanks.

Another big thanks goes to estonian Anettu for creating this graph about membership in Lithuanian Parties. Thank you again 🙂

Now some news about new Lithuanian parties leaders:
In september PP elections participated only 169 lithuanians, and that's 9.45% of all voters. It's kinda sadly, I hope we will be more active in other elections.

Who is now leading the parties in Lithuania?
"Lithuania freedom union" re-elected me again. In past month I taked party back to top 5 place and now taking 4 position of top Lithuanian parties. This month is promising, so I will try make party to be even in top 3 listing.

"Lithuanian Nacionalist Party" Well, the main party's leader Nacionalistas taken vacation so party elected he's fiduciary bumsis. So, I think For this month We can't expect any drastic action from this party.

"Movement" For past three month this party lose her position. The party elected Karalius Mindaugas and this person promising nothing new to this party. If the party don't find good PP, the party will die.

Solidarity elected TcTarget, candidated for two times to country president post, but he taken second places. In past month party taked first position in parties list, so this candidate promising even better times to this party.

Welfare Union elected ciucy. Hopefully the party with this PP will be more stonger.

Lithuanian Liberaldemocrats re-elected Ignas Grinevicius, again. The party in past month loosed it positions and now it is in the top 6 place. And with only one potencial leader in this party, the times for party isn't so good.

Other News
Today Lithuanian congress raised minimum salary from 0.1 Lt/h, to 0.2 Lt/h if the results will be good, who knows, maybe we will raise salary again.

I created another survey for you, so please be free to participate in it!.
In this survey I asking which country do you like/dislike most? Yes, I know you like eEstonia but you cannot vote for yourself, sorry.

See ya!!
Hail Estonia, Lithuania and Phoenix! 🙂