New Requirements for the Marines

Day 506, 11:32 Published in USA USA by sukoidha

I have been receiving a lot of messages saying hey, I am 6 Strength now and I wish to join the marines and I can tell they have a very excited tone of voice.

Unfortunately I have to break their heart and explain to them that the current minimum strength needed to join the marines is 8 with preferably a minimum rank of Lieutenant but there are exceptions to the rule of course which is discussed with the Generals of the Marines.

Joining the Marines doesn’t just mean you need to have a high strength; you need to have activity and dedication on your part to strive well in the marines. Be a team player and willing to sacrifice yourself for the Marine Corps.

Being in the Marines mean that you cannot be Politically active such as being party president or a congress member as we need to be able to move abroad within the blink of an eye.

If one day we ask you not to fight, there might be a reason a very good reason. But you may think, well I can just buy my own Q1 weapons and fight 5 times and gain experience and rank. Which is good, we like people to take initiative if nothing is order down from congress. But then later in the night, you get a pm saying that you need to get fired because we are going abroad to help a country in a RW or something to that effect.

And because you have already fought today, you get to miss out on the fun of moving abroad and helping a country with Q3 weapons. So I guess the moral of that mini story is trust your officers, we have Intel which you do not posses 🙂

I should know, when I was a private I made that mistake plenty of times before and I regretted it every time.

So just to re-iterate, the recruitment strength for the marines is 8 now with a minimum strength of Lieutenant but as I said there are exceptions.
It might not be a long article but it sure is important for the understandings of the citizens of the United State of America.

If you meet the requirements then please send a message to the eUSA Marines Org and then we begin to process your application if you are viable 🙂

Word of Warning, if we begin to recieve bogus applications then we will not be happy and it will just be a waste of our time, If you receive no message from us what so ever, then that is your reason, your wasting our time with your application, however if you are genuine then we will greet you with open arms and start to see what we can do in placing you in the Marines.

There is already a waiting list of about 4 -5 people so every new application will be placed at the bottom of the waiting list and when there is a place available you will be contacted by one of the Generals.

Semper Fi

~Lt.General of the eUSMC
~Commander of Alpha Company
~Head of the Marines QMG
aka the Title Hunter by some people