New political party called AIM

Day 1,502, 14:21 Published in Estonia Romania by Martin Ööbik

Why an Anti Imperialist Movement?

There are many reasons:

- the war module promote only big countries
- admins promote only the war module without caring about the economy and political module
- small countries many times does not have the possibility to defend themselves from big countries
- there is not a real reason to fight, people just fight for medals
- there is not glory fighting against a little country that has not the possibility to win
- there is no differences between parties, the only difference is a word (far-right, left..)
- the AIM is the only political movement with a real purpose that can really change the world
- the purpose of the AIM can develop a new kind of global game that can involve all the world (think about the possibility to create a global alliance that fight against abuses of imperialist countries, with a real sense to fight for)

- admins care only about big players that spend a lot of money
- Every country fights for an ephemeral power that they keep for a few weeks and then they lose it and start again and again in a vicious and meaningless circle

- This type of game is also boring... which is another reason to start something new and exciting. The idea to start a world movement with a very important target like world cooperation would definitely be challenging and of course will give the players a new adventure !


1. The earth is one world, and its human beings must learn to cooperate with each other or perish.

2. Every people has the right to live in their own land of eBirth.

3. Every nation has the right to manage the lands within its original borders.

4. War is allowed as a last resort and only for defending the principles of peace.


1. To create the consciousness of eWorld cooperation and to foster friendship and harmony among all people.

2. To assure international justice and universal human rights by developing ways to preserve them, such as a federal eWorld council, with all the MoFA's of the eWorld, and with an eWorld peacekeeping force of individuals from all countries who would be dedicated to all of humanity and who would enforce eWorld law and the decisions of the eWorld court of justice by the most peaceful means possible.


1. To live peacefully as examples to all.

2. To promote and practice eWorld citizenship, and to work to organize an eWorld constitutional convention to plan the democratic institution of a federal eWorld council.

3. To create a common defense force at the service of the peace and by the orders of the federal eWorld council.

4. To communicate closely with all peace organizations and dedicated peace workers to facilitate the forming of a united worldwide network to bring about the establishment of eWorld harmony.

We want to create an eEstonia AIM Party. It cost's 40 gold. Everyone who thinks this is worth joining donate gold to my account so we could gather 40 gold and create our own eEstonia AIM party. Lets make our voice count.

Good new year news

2 Gentle people already shared their gold with me. Everyone who thinks this is worth, please be kind and share as much gold with as you can. We need 40 gold total. I will pay 10-15 gold myself.. need 25-30 gold from other people who think this is worthy idea and they would like to join me.