New Players' Guide

Day 826, 16:18 Published in Thailand Philippines by roymustang

Congratulations on signing up to be a part of this fantastic online game. You may have noticed on your first day that your options are limited. Unfortunately this is a part of the design of the game. To really enjoy this game and make the most of your life in eRepublik you should try to find a moment to log in each day and familiarize yourself with the social dimension of this game.

To get you started I have adapted this beginner’s guide. If you follow the instructions, you’ll very quickly find there’s a lot more to this game than first appears.

Day-by-day Recommended Schedule:

Day 1

1. Upload your avatar picture (gives 1xp)
2. Find a job and work (gives 1xp)
Note: Only work in Q1 manufacturing or construction companies to begin with!
3. Train (gives 2xp)
4. Buy your first food (gives 1xp)
Note: Buy enough food for 5-7 days at one time to remove the hassle of buying everyday.

If you have decided to take up residence in eThailand, I would also like to make a couple of recommendations:

Sign up to the eThailand forum here.
Visit our IRC chat room, here's how.
Join the eThai Military! Enlist here:

You are now lvl 2

Day 2

1. As you are level 2 you can from now on train once a day, just follow the advice from good old Plato.
So the basic things you should do every day is to train and work.
At level 3 you can change your residence but we’ll come back to that later on in the guide.

You are now lvl 3

Day 3

1. Work and Train
2. Fight in a war or wargames if there are any. (gives 2xp/fight)

You are now lvl 4

Day 7

1. Work and Train
2. Fight in a war or wargames if there are any.
3. Visit hospital to heal after fighting. Note that you can only visit the hospital once every day. For further information regarding this, read this.

You are now lvl 5

Day 10

1. Work and Train
2. Fight in a war or wargamesif there are any.
3. Vote (gives 1xp) – Elections are held on the 5th, 15th, and 25th of each month.
4. You receive your 5 gold

You are now lvl 6

Day 12

1. Work and Train
2. Fight in a war or wargames if there are any.
3. Join a political party

You are now lvl 7

Day 15

1. Work and Train
2. Fight in a war or wargames if there are any.
3. You should now be lvl 8 and can now create your own newspaper. It costs 2 gold to create.

You are now lvl 8

Day 20

1. Work and Train
2. Fight in a war or wargames if there are any.
3. When you are 20 days old you should reach level 9.
4. At level 9 you can create or buy your own company. To create a company it costs 20 Gold.

You are now lvl 9

Day 28

1. Work and Train
2. Fight in a war or wargames if there are any.
3. At level 11 you can create your own organization. To create one costs 5 Gold.

You are now lvl 11

Day 30

1. Work and Train
2. Fight in a war or wargames if there are any.
3. Now you will receive your first “Hard worker” medal and 5 gold (If you have worked all 30 days in a row that is).

Day 32

1. Work and Train
2. Fight in a war or wargames if there are any.
3. At level 12 you now have the option to run for the eThailand Senate or Congress. If you win you’ll get 20 xp, 5 gold and a medal.

You are now lvl 12

Day 40

1. Work and Train
2. Fight in a war or wargames if there are any.
3. At level 13 you can create your own party or run for Party President. It costs 40 Gold to create a party and 2 gold to run for Party President.

You are now lvl 13

Day 60

1. Work and Train
2. Fight in a war or wargames if there are any.
3. You receive your second “Hard worker” medal and 5 gold (If you have worked all 60 days in a row that is)
4. You can now officially run for eThailand President.

You are now lvl 14

Sincerely yours,
roymustang, Minister of Health and Education