New Players!

Day 1,631, 12:26 Published in USA USA by RobbieClark

Hello! Today i'm going to try to give you information so that one day you can be a great and more importantly experienced player.

Part 1: Work

Like in the real world it is important to get a job. This is vital in republic as there aren't benefits! 🙁

Jobs are easy to find, but it is important that you get a good job as you will not be able to leave it for 3 days!
To get a job click this link:

Now it is important that you choose the job with the highest salary as you will need cash to get food.

To work go on my places and it's the first row. Working uses up 10 health, thats ok because you get 100 an hour! 🙂

Part 2: My Places
You'll also notice you get some companies that you can use. This gives you extra food and resources. To work a company simply click to the man and then click start production. Each company costs 10 health per time.

At your level I would advise against hiring employes or buying business.


Training is important as it gives you strength so you can get medals and fight even better! To train go on the training grounds and click train this gives you 5 strength and costs 10 health.

Part 3: Marketplace

Now that you area strong and healthy worker you are going to need to get food and weapons so to protect your country!

The market may seem a confusing place but really it's quite simple...

This is used for health and to keep you alive. Don't buy too much of it as you make it so only buy 100 max at a time.

Different star levels of foods do different things. Each star level gives you twice the health of the star. For example 1 star food gives 2 health and 6 star food gives 12 health.

Beware! Higher star foods cost ore so stick to buying cheap foods max 3 star.


Weapons are expensive, but allow you to hit better shots against your enemies. It is up to you what weapon star you buy, I would suggest 6 star.

Don't worry about the other stuff for now.

Since around day 1,200 eRepublik has been focused on battles. To do this go on war and choose a battle. Then click FIGHT it costs 10 health and you do it until you defeat the enemy and then you do it again.

Thats all you need to know at the moment. For more support join this Military Unit:

We are the best at achieving medals and have already seen many members achieve
lots of medals therefore lots of gold! 🙂

Plus you'll be a mercenary how cool is that!

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