New MPP prices and one new idea...

Day 708, 11:17 Published in Serbia Croatia by FG Lexia


You all heard the news. One week from now MPPs will cost 100 GOLD per country, which is 200 GOLD per MPP.

The new cost of MPPs will make MPPs unable to protect smaller countries and therefore they will disappear from the face of eWorld. I would like to propose forming a new mega-country which would consist of PEACE members of Roman empire, which are UK, France, Italy, Austria, Slovenia, Serbia, Bulgaria and Turkey. The common flag could be Italian, for example, since Roma was capital of Roman empire.

Such a large country would be able to defend itself from invaders even without MPPs, and MPPs would be more affordable for a country as large as that, so it could afford to make MPPs with some smaller countries if necessary (to protect them, for example).

I would like to hear your opinion on that matter.