Day 817, 06:36 Published in Australia Australia by MrFisha

I was fortunate enough to have witnessed the making of the new armed forces that will be the new modules in the next coming weeks/months. I was lucky enough to have seen the new tanks that are being made by phoenix in closed , secured warehouses. I had my hidden camera and took a few pics for all the EDEN world to see what we are up against. The phoenix forces are planning two new types of tanks for thier armys.Lucky for us the real brains are in the EDEN nations and i feel now after my sneeky visit we have nothing to fear.

Phoenix tank prototype # 1


Prototype # 2

also get a look at their Artillery

and no need for concern on the helicopter front either (what the ?)

The Phoenix Infantry

also the new miltia unit they have is currently in training but i should point out their not the brightest