New Law Proposals- Tax Changes

Day 404, 09:14 Published in China USA by capitacommunist101

At the moment eChina produces some products itself and other products are just unavailable in China. At the moment we produce gifts, food Q1-2, weapons, and the raw materials oil, grain and iron. This gives us a lot of export potential in the raw materials sector. We produce gifts, food and weapons, so we have no need to import them. Shouldn't the import tax be much higher than. For example in the food sector, a Romanian company is now exporting food to China which is quality 3 for a price. But doesn't this also affect our own Chinese companies. The Chinese companies J&J Food, Food for Chinese and the FAO are affected by these other companies. In the long run, this could be mean that all the food companies run out of business and all our food will need to be imported from other coutries.

In the example, isn't there one thing we can do against this though? Yes, we can raise the import taxes to allow our Chinese companies to develop and continue to be the main providers of our own market. This is the same for gifts and weapons, which are both developing markets and China and need the stimulation of our government that we will not allow the market to be taken over by foreign companies. Although foreign products may be cheaper now, it quickly impact the wellness of our citizens and the abilities of Chinese companies to pay jobs.

That is why I will propose a food tax change with the import tax raised to 50% so that we can allow our companies to develop. I hope that other congressmembers will recognize the need for this change and also propose equivalent changes for the gift, weapons, and raw materials industries.

Capitacommunist101, congressman of eChina