New FunFacts scouted by my assassin informants.

Day 1,790, 11:18 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Lime Parkour Flow

Hello & welcome to another issue of the amazing & surprising facts from around the world.

1. Did you know?
When you see something for the first time then start to see it everywhere, it is called the "Baader-Meinhof phenomenon".

2. Did you know?
According to one mathematical theory, we should date a dozen people before choosing a long-term partner; that provides the best chance that you'll make a love match.

3. Did you know?
Japanese scientists have developed a refrigerator that opens only when you smile. 🙂

4. Did you know?
We forget why we have entered a room because passing through doors creates an "event boundary" causing the brain to file away what we were just thinking about.

5. Did you know?
Persian soldiers successfully used cats in battle against Egyptians, who refused to attack for fear of hurting the cats.

Thank you for your attention, yours truly Lime Parkour Flow.
An article from a dedicated Te Pori and Silver Fern Guard member!