New Era PP Race

Day 1,848, 03:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Sir Winston S Churchill

Dear New Era Members,

Today I have put my hat in the frame to be your next PP, One of the reasons I'm running is to over see a very important month for New Era , as talks are still on going , it would be wrong of me to give any information public on this (if you want to know more mail me) but we are working on making the party stronger and progressing us further in the game.
It's also a very important month, as we have to elect congress members very carefully and quite strict this month and make sure we have the right people in place to bring in a New Era.

My New Era History

As one of the founding members of the party John Bull now New Era, I have seen the rise of the party along side Don Dapper , Working together we have formed a great team , we have gone from 3 members to over 160 in my term as PP, we shot up the ranking from 14th to 3rd , have now held congress seats for 3 months , and I believe we have a great party with nice members trying to create a better eUK , free from oppression and the consent belittling, trolling that goes on each day.


I don't intend to change any of our policy as I support them 100% . I will add I will campaign to get the eUK channel run by the government in charge at the time as I believe that is fair .

I will also carry on to campaign on the issue of eUK war, we need war ,we need to progress in the game !


This month we have to choose wisely who we elected into congress , I have been very happy with congress this month I would like to see more active on IRC !


I will carry on our programs in the media and promote our legends scheme.


I will give this position to who ever finishes 2nd in the PP race, our current VP Wigibob has done a great job this month , even told me off for one of my attack's which I still stand by , this shows he isn't scared to speak up, the kind of the person this party needs and I will be very happy to work along side him.

My Target

My low target will be to take our membership to over 200 during my term, my high target will be 220 members.

My Promise

I promise under my term we will get stronger and create a bigger New Era in this game.


A vote for me will be a vote for growth , I would like to thank SageGoku for his work over the past month , we helped BigAnt become CP and SageGoku is now MoLA , we have started to create a New Era but the fight must go on , Now is the time to rise , now is the time to get active , now is the time to make the eUK great , step up each man this is you're country, this is you're game just because you feel new or maybe you feel unimportant this doesn't mean your voice won't be heard , it is time to remove ARCANA IMPERII ( INVISIBLE POWER) from the eUK and create a better society !

Time for Change , Time for a New Era !