New Economy Module - Q&A + Queries.

Day 1,269, 21:25 Published in Canada Canada by Rezkawy

Okay, so this is a quick casual article about the new economy module...

Objective: provide friendly help to everyone that is puzzled with the new economy module just as far as I learned about it, I don't say I will offer excellent help or full information, but I'm working on it.

Also I will open some questions for anybody who can answer them.


1. Why does RM sell this cheap ?
well I first thought salaries dropped but they didn't, so notice its productivity that increased... so make ur calculation, u cost a unit of RM much less than b4 now.
I expect salaries to increase a bit, specially with adding Job Offers Categories for skills beyond Guru *** , so prices will go up again a little. But again, that's just an expectation.

2. Why does people get rid of their Companies?
Because they want to buy higher Q of companies and thus saving land slots... its costs much at first but then its worth it, so make sure you strategize yourself.

3. I can't sell RM companies anymore , WT H/F ?
Well, the only way to get rid of them is to Dissolve them ... pissed? talk to the admins, feel free to use F-words.

4. I noticed that there's weird variation between storage buildings in price, I think its better to have 9X 1000's instead of 1 9000, its cheaper. no ?
NO NO NO, Did you add the price of the 9 Lands dear ? No you didn't so 1 9000 is better than 9X 1000's.

5. How can I use boosters for work ?
Well, Weirdly enough -still can't believe its true- the admins closed a door through which you can spend gold lol No more boosters for work, but still there's boosters for training.

6. How will we be able to send money from Country's treasury to CAF/TCO when organizations are diminished ?! and money can't be sent to citizen accounts ?
"The above described feature is not available for national organizations. "(Referring to Organizations Dissolving) Source: McMatty's Article

Unanswered Questions (updated when I get a reply)

a. What are the 15,30,50,70 & 100 numbers of RM companies indicate ? basic productivity without bonuses ? same for all economy skills ?!!!

This brings us to the logical Q:
b. does economy skill affect productivity ? or is it the company's Quality and the resources of the country ONLY that decide on productivity ? if it doesn't affect it, then why the hell the skill levels and the difference in wages ?

c. Why would you name RM fish,cow, fruit ...blablabla when you will end having the same thing called "Food Raw Material" ?!!!! I swear to God If they think this is smart they should DIE !

d. What will happen if day 1275 comes and you have say 2000 items in ur storage and have only 1 storage building of 1000 capacity ? you lose the rest for Good? what ?

e. Can storage Buildings be sold after they're constructed ? (assuming they do not contain any items)


I hope I help in anyway possible with this ...
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