New congress

Day 1,344, 08:10 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Kliment E. Voroshilov

Greetings eSwiss!

Today we get new congress. Our country finally can seriously work for improving economy and military. Voting was fair and withouth multis. I congratz to all new congress members!
The results of elections you can see here.

Swiss Reform Coaltion: Rican, Vincent Rekdal, F4uc0n, MatschMoon, spqr roma, Xeraes,
Swiss Freedom Party: Arsonic Zink, Markus von Salis
Swiss Neutrality Party - SNP: Asmadi

Because i am party president of SFP, i have to say some words about my congress members. I am delight because SFP have their sits in congress.
I am sure that Arsonic Zink is enough active player and he is ready for teamwork. Markus von Salis past the congress, but he was unofficial candidate. I hope that he is not medal hunter and he will work team like Arsonic. However, on big surprise, he donated 5 golds to me (because i already ask him about donation to country accounts) and i sent that money to country. Unfortuantely, sgtchewy dont past the elections, two votes werent enought for him because of exerience points.

As our economy is without bigger income, i appeal to all congressmen to donate gold from medal to Country accounts. Every who did this should say that to me and it will be write in list.
Here is the link:

- Markus von Salis
- MatschMoon
- Xeraes
- Asmadi
- Arsonic Zink

Special thanks to DeViLu for his 10 golds!

I hope that you will work team, and make debates on forum before you start the law. Good luck and congratulations once more.