New Changes to eRepublik

Day 1,175, 04:04 Published in Australia Norway by Mikhail Alexander

This was posted in my sandbox by an Admin during the maintenance time. Feel free to comment and read and make your opinion of the situation.

New Menu

* Home
* My Land
* Wars (direct link to War List)
* Market
o Marketplace
o Job Market
o Monetary Market
o Companies for sale

* Community
o World Map
o News
o My Party
o Elections
o Rankings
o Country Administration
o Invite Friends
o Badges
o My Organizations (only if you have ORGs)

My Land

* Accessible from main menu or the "Land" link in the profile page
* Text: "My Land" for owner / "Land of $account_name" for viewers
* Selling a company will move both the company and its land to the new owner
* Prices:
o Buy land will cost 1000 Local Currency of the citizen's citizenship country
o Building a company will now cost 10 Gold
o Destroying a Q1 company will give back a free land and 5 Gold (instead of 10 Gold as it does now)

* For ORGs
o Free lands (with Build option) are not displayed
o Lands for sale are not displayed
o Job Market is not displayed
o Training Grounds are not displayed


* Clicking on the first company with "+hammer" sign , or on the sign, leads to the normal Job Market
o Once hired in a company,
+ the job market icon will be replaced with the representation of the hiring company
+ the "+hammer" sign will be replaced with "hammer" sign, leading to "work as employee" page
* Clicking on a graphic representation of a building will lead to
o the normal work page (train page for Training Grounds)
o view results if already worked/trained
* Clicking on Company's name will lead to the company's profile page
* Clicking on a free land will open the normal "create company" page
* Clicking a "for sale" land will activate the "expand land" pop-up
o If not enough money, inform citizen about this and make the "Expand" button inactive

Tool tips

On Training Grounds: "Increase your Strength by training here daily."

On Job Market Building (and its sign, optionally): "Enter this building to find a job."

On company (and its sign, optionally): "Enter this building to work in this company that produces $company_industry."

On Free Lan😛 "Access this land to see what buildings you can construct on it."

On Available Land (Buyable Land, Expandable Land): "Buy this land in order to construct a building on it."

* When a new citizen is created its Land will have
o Job Market
o Training Grounds
o 3 Free Lands

* All current citizens will receive, as a free extra to what they already have:
o Job Market
o Training Grounds
o 3 Free Lands

Note: Job Market and Training Grounds are included in Number of Lands occupied
Linking the Land from Profile page

* The link will be available for the citizen/ORG and also for anyone viewing citizen/ORG's profile
o Text: Land of $account_name
o Button: "Enter" for owner / "Visit" for viewers
* When visiting someone’s land, display the land exactly as the owner would see it, except:
o NO above-building signs (icons displayed above Job Market, Training Grounds and not-worked-on companies)
o NO “Resign” button
o NO "free lands" or "buyable lands"
o Only owner’s companies are clickable (mouse cursor keeps the arrow form on the unclickable items
o Clicking on owner’s companies will direct the visitor to the companies’ profile page
* If an Organization doesn't have anything to display on the Land display this text:
o "This Organization does not have any properties. Organizations can no longer buy land or build companies."

Migrate Industry , Re-locate company, Transfer to Citizen

* Each of these tools will each be available on a separate page.
o tools will be displayed expanded
o if the tool has been used display a text
+ Industry has already been migrated for this company.
+ This company has already been re-located

* Access to each of these pages will be available from "Manage company" menu
o only the tools that apply to that company
o even if the tools have been already used in that company

* Note: "Transfer to citizen" is available only for Orgs and "Re-locate" only for Citizen

My newspaper

In Citizen's profile, under media activity, add "create newspaper" button if the citizen doesn't have one
Multi Language

* My Land
o French: Ma terre
o German: Mein Land
o Portuguese: Minha terra
o Spanish: Mi tierra
* Wars
o French: Guerres
o German: Kriege
o Portuguese: Guerras
o Spanish: Guerras

Pop up

* A pop-up will be activated when a citizen enters its land for the first time
* Text:
* * Welcome to your Land!
As a citizen, you have your own land in the New World.

Currently, it contains your Training Grounds in which you can increase your strength daily It also offers direct access to the Job Market in order for you to get your first job in the New World.

It's up to you to decide what buildings to be constructed on your land. Remember that you can expand your land at any time in order to make space for more buildings.

Use your land to become a powerful citizen and to help your country!
Sell/Dissolve info message

Add 2 info messages in Sell Company page

* in sell company section: “Selling a company will empty the land on which it has been built, allowing you to build another company on it.”

* in dissolve company section “Dissolving a company will empty the land on which it has been built, allowing you to build another company on it.”

I'd also like to thank the people who voted up this article, its now in number 1 in Australia, which I've never achieved before 🙂