Nevada, Home sweet Home :D {Come in Here!}

Day 431, 05:28 Published in USA Israel by Sadeh Badeh

Nevada citizens!
I know a lot of people like to BS the brain about why they should get in, so i will make it simple as possible for you!

Few facts about me:

-I love pie!
-I love our eGirls!
-I think we deserve some eGirls in our region!!!
-Nevada is the coolest region at the US imo.
-No one that will visit at our home sweet home will get disapointed!

Also if i win we will have great lunch and celebrate my winning with some milk and cookies, if you want you can bring pie as well!!!

About politics:

I will try to get us some cool new Hospital and brand new Defence system(hospital first so we will be able to fight from here), i promise ill try!
I will hear the voice of our people and make pols about important issues we need to vote on at the congress, so my voice will reflect your voice.
If anyone will ask me to propose something important and people will agree with it, we will go for it!!!

For any Questions please contact me via PMs.