Nelson Mandela: an inspiring man

Day 2,216, 07:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by perilouspanther

Nelson Mandela is probably one of the most inspirational characters all time. He was the most famous person in South Africa.

Nelson Mandela lead the struggle against apartheid in South Africa and gave rights to blacks. Which made the country a Rainbow nation. Despite this he, in his early years was marked down as a terrorist and put in jail for some many years - But it is fair to say he had a reason to do this, for rights for all people is South Africa.

Nelson Mandela

When Nelson Mandela died last Thursday night [5th December] at the great age of 95. At his funeral Presidents, Ambassadors and Primeministers gathered in a huge croud.

Instead of ending on a sad note let's end on a joke!

Q: What did the Policeman say to his belly?

A: You're under a vest!