Necrosis for UKRP party president

Day 630, 06:47 Published in United Kingdom USA by Necrosis

So, as you may or may not be aware, I am running for party president of the UKRP. But why me? Why should I lead this party for the next month? Allow me to outline the plan.

Media performance
To put it bluntly, right now, we don't have any. On the rare occasion when an article is published, it's boring, dry, below standard, etc. This needs to change. Not one to make baseless claims, here is my rough proposal on how to do this;

-Less boring articles. When we do occasionally put forth an article, it's boring as hell. Seriously. It's worse than listening to my neuroanatomy lecturer. I imagine them read by an old guy, who simply reads off a sheet. Is this the image we want to be associated with?
-Some fun articles every now and again! This is a role playing game at heart; lets get into it. Get people writing articles as if they were actually real. A bit of fiction, described as such, makes things a whole lot better.
-Simply better articles. Better presentation, better language usage, better everything. This is a no-brainer for me; this needs to be done, and will be done.

I honestly cannot express the importance of the media enough. I ran a large part of the campaign a while back to elect kumnaa (Alright, it ran itself). But I learnt one major thing; your name in the top 5 for weeks is a great tool, and can make up for potentially deal breaking ideas (PEACE at the time was unthinkable for many.). This is where UKRP has the most room for improvement; and improve it shall.

Congress elections
As you're well aware, in the most recent congressional elections, there wasn't a UKRP majority for the first time in.... Sometime (It was so long ago I don't remember). Why is this? Some of this is due in part to the above; poor media. Our articles amass a whole 40 votes sometimes. WOW. 40 VOTES. This needs to change. TUP produce a single manifesto; I'd like to see an adaptation of this. We have a few things that we stand for as a party (anti-nationalisation, for instance), and the rest, we let congress candidates make up for them selves. This gives a solid platform for new and returning congresspeople to build upon.
There are other things as well, these have been detailed in the UKRP section of the UKRP forum, away from prying eyes(/me glares at Mr Woldy)

Policy making

I want to institute a method for party members to get legislation checked before it even hits public forums; all party members should post it in the internal forums first, and leave it until given the go-ahead. Why? 3 reasons. It stops the person in question looking bad by proposing a bad piece of law. Makes the party look better for not having people who propose pieces of law. More importantly, the country benefits from this.

Pretty simple and short section, eh?


An actual recruitment campaign would be nice ya' know. Message low level players, inform them of their options, get them on the forums and active; again, this is an everyone wins situation. This will also tie in with the increased media presence I suggest at the beginning.

Activity within the party

The holy grail for some. Right now, the UKRP forums are kinda slow. Mass PM campaign within the party, and more encouragement for people to post. It seems in the last few days we've had people crawling out the woodwork, and posting. Great! Post more, please. Your ideas, no matter how stupid they may be, are of worth to the party. Ask questions, learn from experience, forge a name for yourself within the party, and use that to your advantage later. Working for the party isn't just a case of making the party better; it makes you better off by extension and association. Good, eh? Heck, we could even use some of the profits or produce from UKRP weapons to reward people for regularly posting in there; it's a company set up to provide profit and benefit for the party, may as well utilise it to it's fll.

Party code of conduct

In light of recent drama, I wish to implement an internal code of conduct. A small guide, if you will, on how to behave. If this is breached, you will most likely be punished within the party (not given a candidacy for congress/a bad seat), or, in extreme cases, asked to leave the party.
But how will this be decided? Simple. An internal discussion, involving the whole party, and a vote, again involving everyone. By using everyone in the vote, I expect to see this only ever be successful in the most extreme of cases. Otherwise, nothing bad happens, 99% of the time. No bullying, none of that. A clear cut, open, public procedure for dealing with situations within the party.

Country presidency.
As you're all probably well aware, we supported the incumbent Hassan in the recent elections. This was the right move for the party, and more importantly, the country. But what of the next elections? I plan on standing a candidate next elections. And I plan on having a winning candidate next election. The UKRP needs a winner right now. We can do this, with a little elbow grease, and a little flair, we will be in charge of the country next month, along with a congressional majority once more.


Vote for me if you like what I've said. If you don't agree with me, PM me with your concerns, and I'll do my best to answer them. Heck, feel free to PM me about anything, and I'll answer as best I can.