Nearing the end of my term as party president.

Day 938, 15:49 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by clanky4

My time as party president of the DPP is coming to close. As of day 939 the DPP will have a new fresh party president leading us, I wish them all the best.

I would like to announce that all of my campaign promises have been fulfilled. However there were some mixed results from them but overall it was a success.

Forum Activity
When I released my original campaign article I said that "I would also like to start a weekly contest exclusively on the forums." Well I did. Sadly as those you you who participated in it saw, it was an absolute failure in attracting new people to the forums. However that did not stop me I made a second attempt at the forum contest. The second forum contest ended very similarly to the first one. However activity did return to the forums! This was due to the combined efforts of several congressmen. They know who they are, Good job to all of you.

Healthy Newbie Program
I never did manage to make the program self sufficient but we did manage to give it a new name. The Citizen Welfare Program! The new Citizen Welfare Program has also sent out messages to all DPP members who have wellness under 60.

Congressional Election
This turned out far better then I expected. Not only did we stop most PTO from getting in but we also got over half of congress under our control.

Good job to everyone who helped me this term,
Party President of the DPP