NBJ : Company Owners, sell your (expletive) products!

Day 858, 15:34 Published in Japan Japan by National Bank of Japan

Dear company owners,

Japan is currently out of q3 and q4 grain and q4 and q5 food, which are the staples of our economy

PLEASE LIST YOUR PRODUCTS, the current situation is intolerable and the finance ministry will get involved to put a stop to this. you have been warned.

Hoarding grain and food in this time of high demand hurts Japan as a whole, thanks you.




and many more are hoarding products and the government will not let this situation keep up.

Remember to buy all JPY needed for daily business from NBOJ for national wealth!

Day 22 of operations under new administration :



+474.33g from national currency sales

+30000 JPY from congress donation
+2969 JPY from income taxes (3562 JPY still in country's account)



-150g for JPY printing
-24g for SOL wargames
-50g to bank of china for unknown reasons, sounds like a MPP agreement of sorts


2574 Gold (+250g for the week)
42940 JPY (+ 17763 JPY for the week)

Minister of Finance