National Wellness Scheme

Day 426, 18:57 Published in Australia Australia by Joey Development Scheme

A healthy population is a good population. Nobody can deny the benefit and necessity of high wellness. It raises our productivity and so the economy, raises our fight damage and general military strength and basically, makes us better. Oh, did i mention it allows us not to die.

The Government has realised the need for a high wellnessed population, and from the creative mind of Derek Appollyon, the Australian Cabinet bring you the NATIONAL WELLNESS SCHEME.

Minister: taytaz

The Wellness Scheme

For this system we only need one ORG, GMs would PM the ORG with a list of the active employees of the day (by hour 20 of the current ER day for example) who have a wellness of 80 or lower, these employees (and GMs - with the obvious exception of ORG accounts) would then be gifted by the NHA (National Health Administration). It benefits the GMs because it would encourage users to log in and work every day, it benefits both the citizens and GMs because they are getting free wellness.

Derek is now not the Minister in charge of this, so any questions should be addressed to this organisation, or taytaz.

This scheme will not be operational until the Northern Territory is liberated and the government has a stable state gift company.
