National Suggestion : the Box of Ideas

Day 4,708, 05:47 Published in Belgium Poland by Shotan

Dear people,

Even if our party lost the elections, it is not the end of our activities.

We made a good first step thanks to others candidates (or their party) to write an article to defend their candidacy.

Even if we are not at the top of the state, we can make a difference between today and tomorrow by defending our main goal : an active society.

Of course there are actions from the government like TW's, aid programs to improve our strength and a Discord channel to speak about our country.

Can we go further? Yes, the government says they are opened for new suggestions and there is one to improve their service : the Box of Ideas.

It simple : if someone has an idea to improve our society like making a game, a competition, a suggestion about the current policy or looking for new partners, they could share it in a post where everyone could see and talk about it.

Naturally, the ideas must be realist, not offensive or not too dangerous for our society. We ca't plan its destruction in a post about its new construction.

But the main rule is simple : if you want to improve, don't be shy, speak and let the discussion be interesting.


Party President of Democratic Socialist Party