National Party of South Africa Press Release 4/7

Day 1,965, 01:49 Published in South Africa South Africa by Marmaduke IV

For the record, the National Party has the back of any eSA citizen that puts their country ahead of personal agendas and while our candidate for this previous election was Enbaros, who fought well I should add, we do believe that Cody Caine was an honorable candidate and fought with honor and dignity against the incumbent whom was more concerned with staying in power than fixing the problems his own administration caused.

This government is all about black and white. If you're not with them then you are a national security threat (when in reality the real threat lies in a group of people led by an unstable sociopath who excels at writing confusing articles laced with accusations and broken english)

That is not how the National Party views things. We believe it is in the best interest of the country to work together to find solutions to our problems, regardless of your country of origin.

Problems which should be discussed in public and not behind the closed doors of messages with the CP. The people deserve to know what is going on with our country. We should be presented with bi-weekly reports. What has even happened to the office of MoI?

Our unity gives us strength.

I announced my intention to run for president of this party a week ago and have met with resistance from several members of the party whom I will not name, but address here:

This party desperately needs leadership. I believe with the help of all collective members, we can establish our platform on which we will grow. I plan to push forward members for congressional positions who best demonstrate our beliefs and will be active members of the government.

The National Party believes in party sovereignty and will strike out at any groups, foreign or domestic who seek to take over the less populated parties.

The National Party will not be one of silence. Unlike the current leadership, I will maintain communication within the group as well as statements to the public on current matters. We will not be afraid to speak our minds.

Oh, and I may or may not change the party name, pending member vote.