National Foundation Day Closing 2011

Day 1,196, 15:21 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Holiday Association

The closing of National Foundation Day ends well, with both events receiving many participants, more then last months event, but still not as much as November during the Cultural Awards. Many of you who messaged me were correct, but only two of you walked away with prizes. Below will be the revealing of the hidden owls and the winners of the overall event.

I would like to thank ALL of those that took part, sending me many messages to look through and even seeing new names on that participation list. I appreciate all your time and support you have given to the MoCH, thank you.

National Foundation Day Winners 2011:
FriedRice winning the trivia bonus and the first among the qualified to find the Owls, a total prize of 350 JPY.
Oramakoma Buramako, the first non-qualified participant to find the Owls, winning a week supply of food.

The Owls:

MoCH Staff
Minister - DankChronic
Vice Minister - Count Malubar
Graphics - Count Malubar
Historian Coordinator -
Published Historians -

Upcoming Events:
Empress Day March 2011