National Committee Statement

Day 2,104, 09:35 Published in Norway Norway by Jochen Lutz

Hello, dear readers!

I am writing this as a representative of the Norwegian National Committee, having the task to investigate and counter any possible threats that could occur during elections. Tomorrow we are going to vote for our future congressmen, people who would have perhaps the greatest power to influence our country. We must choose wisely and safe, therefore I introduce you this short report.

The National Committee has been working to check and discuss the majority of the candidates who run for the elections and I think we did our job responsibly in favour of every Norwegian. However, our purpose is to be most discreet, that is why we are not going to publish any full lists of names or parties. Every party had its representative, apart of TP The Party and Bondepartiet. We would gladly welcome their representatives as well and we invite them to join.
The most probable size of our parliament for the next month is a 20-seat congress if we manage to defend our regions against the Lithuanian attack. If we fail and lose one of our two regions, we are going to have a 10-seat congress, which could be better and safer, since it allows only the first few of the priority list to get elected. However, we recommend to fight hard for Norway in order to protect our land against the occupants, pushing them away.
Our only major concerns are about TP The Party. As you all know, by accident the young and little-known player sunflovers was elected as party president, instead of the old leader T Cherub. We did not manage to make the candidature of their third (3-d) priority, goshanchuk, clear, so we are still suspicious about it. We found his reply unsatisfying, but we would not wish to accuse him. On the contrary, and if somebody could provide information about him, including he himself, please, do!

We would recommend two main things for tomorrow elections:

- Check the candidates list of the party you would support before voting. You may be against some of the candidates running.

- Vote! Every vote is needed in a small community like ours. Your votes are your strongest weapon against any PTO attempts. They are vital and crucial, so use them, but use them wisely!

National Committee Members:

Per Jostein - CP of Norway
Joshua Morriseau
Jochen Lutz


Norwegian National Committee Statement about the Congress Elections

Vote & Shout, Please!