National Banks of the World

Day 485, 10:05 Published in USA USA by Corroded

The money of a nation is rarely held in it's country coffers - it is almost always held in it's national bank where it is safe from regional conflict. To see how much money a country really has, we need a list of....

National Banks of the World

Canada - National Bank of Canada
Croatia - Hrvatska narodna banka
Finland - Ministry of Finance FI
Norway - The Bank of Norway
Poland - Narodowy Bank Polski
Romania - Banca Nationala a Romaniei
Spain - Banco de Espana
FFAAesp - Ministry of Defense
Sweden - Svenska Riksbanken
UK - Bank of England
USA - Fort Knox Federal Reserve
Congressional Budget Office

Argentina - Banco Central de Argentina
Austria - no bank, but it appears that shop stop owns the country
Brazil - Controle Nacional
Bulgaria - Bulgarian National Bank
Chile - Chilean Organization
France - Banque Centrale Francaise
Greece - Hellenic Depository
Hungary - eMagyar Nemzeti Bank
Indonesia - National Bank of Indonesia
Iran - Iran Centeral Bank
Italy - National eItaly
Japan - National Bank of Japan
Mexico - Banco Nacional de Mexico
Netherlands - DNB
Pakistan - this isn't really a country, more of a fiefdom
Portugal - Banco de Portugal
Russia - Russian Treasury
Slovenia - Slovenian National Bank
Venezuela - Banco del Gobierno