Nation Stats (POLAND vs RUSSIA)

Day 695, 11:19 Published in Greece Greece by Tall_niki
POLAND vs RUSSIA - Day 694

At these stats the 1st number shows Polish stats, and the 2nd number shows Russian stats.
Example (Poland █ Russia)

These are the stats of the users that were living at Poland and Russia yesterday 😉
The Polish and Russian users that were living yesterday in another country, are not included 😉

Citizens: 12744 █ 14695

1: 3698 █ 2121 (Citizens)
2: 632 █ 292
3: 1129 █ 1074
4: 825 █ 1142
5: 402 █ 410
6: 300 █ 607
7: 282 █ 525
8: 268 █ 332
9: 243 █ 251
10: 124 █ 160
11: 102 █ 131
12: 232 █ 286
13: 641 █ 746
14: 553 █ 822
15: 663 █ 1325
16: 786 █ 1501
17: 587 █ 1195
18: 819 █ 1190
19: 279 █ 336
20: 148 █ 207
21: 29 █ 40
22: 2 █ 2

0: 0 █ 0 (Citizens)
1: 5113 █ 2724
2: 1315 █ 1962
3: 1090 █ 1926
4: 1549 █ 1964
5: 886 █ 1899
6: 806 █ 1641
7: 571 █ 1233
8: 624 █ 534
9: 232 █ 168
10: 185 █ 155
11: 128 █ 218
12: 84 █ 86
13: 25 █ 61
14: 40 █ 39
15: 27 █ 24
16: 32 █ 14
17: 18 █ 20
18: 16 █ 12
19: 2 █ 5
20: 1 █ 4
21: 0 █ 6

Military Rank
Private: 7159 █ 6631 (Citizens)
Corporal: 920 █ 1155
Sergeant: 548 █ 961
Lieutenant: 1105 █ 2250
Captain: 710 █ 1424
Colonel: 724 █ 1038
General: 262 █ 256
Field Marshal: 44 █ 52

0: 5791 █ 4401 (Citizens)
1-10: 942 █ 1617
20: 307 █ 394
30: 263 █ 276
40: 243 █ 289
50: 231 █ 244
60: 193 █ 223
70: 174 █ 258
80: 130 █ 194
90: 111 █ 199
100: 511 █ 1041
200: 834 █ 1622
300: 622 █ 1265
400: 520 █ 973
500: 287 █ 330
600: 145 █ 193
700: 77 █ 98
800: 41 █ 62
900: 22 █ 35
1000: 26 █ 50
2000: 2 █ 2
3000: 0 █ 1

0-10: 1282 █ 962 (Citizens)
10: 1672 █ 1649
20: 1066 █ 1132
30: 1449 █ 1283
40: 1284 █ 1412
50: 1535 █ 1777
60: 395 █ 599
70: 205 █ 305
80: 327 █ 415
90: 1031 █ 1706
100: 2498 █ 3455

Top 10 Citizenships Poland
Polan😛 12589 (Citizens)
Germany: 23
Peru: 21
USA: 18
Slovakia: 16
Spain: 12
South Africa: 9
Moldavia: 7
Romania: 6
Indonesia: 6

Top 10 Citizenships Russia
Russia: 12782 (Citizens)
Serbia: 355
Hungary: 219
Turkey: 139
France: 137
USA: 115
Indonesia: 110
Brazil: 50
Iran: 46
North Korea: 43

Hard worker: 6436 --- 2755 (Citizens) █ Hard worker: 8663 --- 4227 (Citizens)
Super trooper: 3771 --- 3221 (Citizens) █ Super trooper: 5812 --- 5152 (Citizens)
Congressman: 410 --- 173 (Citizens) █ Congressman: 533 --- 269 (Citizens)
Hero: 75 --- 29 (Citizens) █ Hero: 105 --- 44 (Citizens)
Society builder: 81 --- 55 (Citizens) █ Society builder: 308 --- 131 (Citizens)
Resistance hero: 7 --- 7 (Citizens) █ Resistance hero: 14 --- 12 (Citizens)
Media mogul: 17 --- 15 (Citizens) █ Media mogul: 10 --- 9 (Citizens)
President: 9 --- 5 (Citizens) █ President: 14 --- 13 (Citizens)
Ambassador: 0 --- 0 (Citizens) █ Ambassador: 2 --- 2 (Citizens)

Total damage: 34.357.313 █ 48.042.000

Total strength: 44.123,43 █ 61.440,16

Total fights: 1.066.883 █ 1.804.446

Average Damage/: 32,20 █ 26,62

If you want to see the stats of every Polish citizen click here

If you want to see the stats of every Russian citizen click here

You can sort the data, by clicking at any field name of the table 😉

*Citizens that have more than 500 000 damage done are not included.

Other statistics








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