Nation Foundation Day: Find the OWL!

Day 1,194, 07:57 Published in Japan Japan by Japanese Holiday Association

The first stage went great, but a lot less winners then I thought there would be. Out of eleven participants only THREE got all 4 questions answered correctly. FriedRice has won the 50 JPY bonus for answering them all correctly first. Now its time for the 2nd stage, Find the Owls, an event created in honor of our Emperor. I messaged our Emperor about the event and the holiday, wondering if he would like to say or do something for the people during this holiday, but as usual he just ignores.

EVERYONE can take part in this event, I personally donated my own money so anyone can take part in this event. However if YOU DID NOT pass the 1st stage then you will only get food as a prize. For the 3 that did pass the first stage, you can win 300 JPY for being the first to find all the owls, or at least the fastest to find the most.

1st Stage Winners: In the Running for 300 JPY!!!
FriedRice (50 JPY Bonus winner)

Anyone can take part in this event, but only those that past the first stage can win the 300 JPY. But the first person not in the running for the 300 JPY can win a week supply of food! Now find those OWLS! (top to bottom = easiest to hardest)

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