n3m0 to New Goverment - Next Month Choose Native eMalaysian Became President

Day 1,722, 00:56 Published in Malaysia Indonesia by o0n3m00o

Congrats for the presidency Mr. President, hope you can release the ministry and all stuff ASAP. Meanwhile I got something to share.

After 2 days I spent my time in eMalaysia, talk with some native, there are some facts that need to be taken care of. And I do understand on why they tend like that.

The facts are:
1. Many PTOers come to this country and give promises almost the same like we are now. Want to build eMalaysia, help eMalaysia, etc.... Although none of them offer an idea like "Noah ark", but most of them give a good promises. But guess what? in the end, they just put eMalaysia became another puppet!

2. Our present here (me especially) with this "weird" idea are too fast. They still want to see how serious we are.

3. All of us said that we are not PTOErs, we will trying to help eMalaysia, but its kinda weird since all the gov come from eIndonesia and didnt give a chance to native eMalaysian controlling the country.

With those fact, many native eMalaysian now wait and see, didnt trust us and skeptical on seeing to us. I knew that we are all here have changed our goal from "conventional PTO" to became "REAL BUILDING COUNTRY". But We need to do more action so we can have reconciliation. We cant do our plan on "Noah Ark" without support from native. So, I have a suggestion...

It would be great if in next month, let native Malaysian take the presidency, and show them that we will support them with the best we have 🙂.
What do you think?

To native eMalaysian, please reconsider our offer and idea. Pleare try to communicate with gov. The chance like this is rare, and it will help us to keep have fun together. And for the first step, please speak up! free your mind 🙂

Just it for now, hope we can have a good start 🙂