N.F.A. Party Jobs Open For Business Once Again

Day 735, 20:52 Published in Austria Japan by Alfred Ball

Fellow eAustrian's during my stay here and closing my job I have seen the job market here literally dry up for lower levels, I see politicians constantly talking about population growth, well how exactly is that going to work when quite often there are no skill zero jobs, and apparently it's not even skill 0 there are many jobs not being offered to the other lower skills. So today comrades and fellow patriots I am very happy to announce the re-open of N.F.A. Party Run Companies.

As far as I know all companies are completely empty, so enroll today before it is to late!!

N.F.A. Brain Bread
N.F.A. Housing
N.F.A. Grain
N.F.A. Defense : This Company is for higher levels because it is a Q5 company. If you are interested in jobs here contact me.

The above companies are workplaces provided for N.F.A. prospects and N.F.A. members.

If you have any question ask me and please do not hesitate! PM me here.

Alfred Ball - Media Representative to National Front Austria

You are the front!