Myers11 running for congress!

Day 735, 16:22 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Myers11

Hello, as the title pretty much states I am running for congress in the Southern Netherlands, I am a loyal member of the Libertarian Party, which has recently made it into the top five parties. This is my first time running for congress or for that matter any political seat. The following are my views:

*I FULLY support the union and I fully oppose the “Liberation” of Belgium by Romanian and American invaders

*In place of PEACE, I wish to have an alliance with Germany, France, and Britain.

*I will also try to make our government more transparent, and more active (If that’s possible)

*I also agree with the main principal of the LP, the reduction of state companies and a cap on the skill level of employs of them, we need more private companies and training companies shouldn’t compete with the private sector

So, I will strive to make the eUNL better and more successful, Vote Myers11!