My weekly budget

Day 5,163, 15:38 Published in Republic of Moldova Romania by Io Stefan Voievod

Hello and thank you for commenting and sharing your thoughts on my previous article regarding investments in Q1 and Q2 houses.

In today's article I will share my personal weekly budget, which I hope will allow me to have some of that fun people talk about. My research is based on historical data and contains many variables and estimations about the future, as such please read the following

DISCLAIMER Not investment advice. Past performance does not guarantee future results.

My budget starts with the following variables:
- I am a citizen of the Republic of Moldova, which has between 2 and 5 TWs on a daily basis;
- I have invested in an Infantry Kit worth € 14.90;
- I am a Division 1 player, which, coupled with the Infantry Kit, should allow me to obtain an average of 125 BH medals per week;
- There are probably some minor taxes that I've omitted;

Great! The following table shows my estimated primary revenue source:

I have estimated an exchange rate at the end of eDay 5,165 of around 709 CC per Gold. One side rounds are battle zones in which I only do damage for eMD (for various reasons), while both sides rounds are battle zones in which I aim for both BH medals. You probaly know this already, but a D1 BH medal is worth 2 Gold each.

My other revenue sources are:

True Patriot medals should vary between 10-14 on normal weeks and maybe reach 20 if I ever decide to use my dust-ridden damage boosters. Data about the Q1 house can be found in my previous article.

Let's take a look at my estimated costs (perhaps investments is a better term):

My current energy maximum energy is 3700, and according to my plans it should stay the same for the foreseeable future as I will continue buying a Q1 house and an Infantry Kit. I have estimated I will consume 7.5 times my max. energy in a week: at least once per day + 0.5 for hunting BHs.

Food and weapons prices are straightforward with travel costs included only once in the food price as I try to buy both food and weapons from the same country. The last table shows estimated travel costs related to hunting BH medals, including my plan to use moving tickets.

Let's consolidate the data:

In conclusion, using my estimated exchange rate, it seems that this strategy will net an appreciable amount of around 250 Gold per week.

This looks too good to be true and there is no way this is feasible. I must be daydreaming, please poke some holes in my plan 😃

Thank you for your time!