My two cents about the airstrike

Day 2,401, 23:09 Published in Australia Australia by Jeff Vader

*** Newsflash ***

I Jeff Vader as Party President of DSA Australasia endorse Mr Sherlock Holmes as a candidate for Country President.


There has been a whole lot of chatter about our recent airstrike into Saudia Arabia, so here is my two cents.

In the beginning of my term as Country President in April 2014 Slovenia air striked the Northern Territory which was occupied by FYROM at the time and didn't succeed.

Near the end of my term Greece air striked the Northern Territory, again occupied by FYROM and we started a resistance war in Tasmania. At that stage Indonesia invaded South Australia to block Greece from wiping out FYROM.

So don't ever get the impression that we don't seek support from allies to free Australia for Australians.

We have been denied a senate again and again and again by our occupiers.
1 region = 10 senators
10 senators * 5 gold reward = 50 gold per one month term
Being wiped for a year means we are being denied 600 gold to be given to Australian citizens and that is just one(1) region.

We need senators to approve new citizenships, only a senator can fulfil this role.
How can we do this without a stable region.

Without a region Australian companies cannot employ people as they need a region.
Let alone why should people buy companies in Australian territories if they cannot employ let alone start a company without a region. And how can foreign citizens buy and setup companies in Australia if there is no senate to approve their citizenship to Australia.

We need a stable region to build a stable economy, accept new citizens to build a stable army.
I know of one case where a senior 100+ level citizen, a real battle harden solider(Titan😉 wanted to move to a new country and MU. I had a chat to this person and Australia was seen to be a good option, however there was nothing I could do to offer citizenship as we had no senate to approve the application as we had no region.

We have eRepublik tourism where citizens travel around the world filling up their True Patriot passport. eRepublik tourists bring money into our economy, establish companies, create jobs, fight for us, bring knowledge and experience in political and military matters. Again we need a senate to approve citizenship requests.

Ever since I accidentally became CP in April I have developed a good friendship with Dr Hugh and Claire Louise and the amount of time and money they pour into battles and political capital, so I do take offence when people make a claim that they are on a power trip and that their efforts were not in the best interests of Australia.

I worked my guts out as CP to fill up that air strike fund in 2 hours. Compared to FYROM's lousy cheapskate public appeal to fill theirs, once FYROM realised they were on the verge of being wiped from Australia.

Alot happens behind the scenes that we cannot talk about as it would give clues to the enemy to counter our actions.
