My Take on eRepublik Rising: A review IMPORTANT EDIT

Day 961, 09:18 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon
Howdy guys! So there has been this competition that I entered that was designed by Charmander95. It is a newspaper competition for one of the best newspapers in the eUS. I love all my subscribers, and since you can vote three times, could you please vote for me once. Thank you guys, you mean a lot.

Here is a link:">

It has finally arrived... with a bang! After waiting twenty-four tedious hours, eRepublik Rising, also known as the long-awaited v2, has finally popped up onto the live stage. After those long, irritable days of reading hate shouts and quit speeches during the countdown to eRepublik Rising, I wanted to review it and see what all the hubbub was about in a way that is not biased and informative. It took me a while, but I think I did a good job. Now, let's begin our excursion.

To begin with, the honest-to-goodness reason why eRepublik is separated from all the other mediocre massively multi-player online games is that it flourishes independently on creativity. All of the outcomes to wars and political elections are all our faults, for good or bad. In addition to that, we write newspapers so we can express out ideas creatively in a way others cannot interfere. When I first joined this game, not too long ago, I thought this game would be like another one of the text-based bias poop. Fortunately, I was totally wrong. There is a strong society here in which I can express myself and make friends. I wouldn't be surprised if this game would become the next Facebook or Myspace of the World Wide Web.

Right off the bat, I can tell that the eRepublik Rising looks vastly appeasing to the wise eyes. The limited graphics are looking more stream-line and competent if anything. Unlike the original eRepublik, which I will now call v1, I can tell that this game will require more strategy involving the player for his day to day activity. As a result, all of the citizens must contribute as a cooperative whole on a regular basis if we want to see eUS succeed.

The profile page now overall looks a generation more modern than in the previous version. The layout is very generous when regarding space. Because of this, I do not become inflicted in pain due to cramped fingers. On the left hand side of your profile, you will find an "activity" section in addition to an overview of your friends list. This is a nice touch particularly for me because I am part of the UIP FBI. Muhahaha! Anyways, I am digging this shout box because it is expandable and more user friendly in my opinion. Overall, I think that the profile page has become more organized and more eye candied.

The menu bar at the top of the screen is almost identical to v1. The only difference is under "My Places", the options have been totally revamped to suit the needs of eRepublik Rising. There is a "Uptown" and &quot😉owntown". While I do think that those screens look nice, I would have liked to go straight to my newspaper and party page directly.

Now with that out of the way, the economic module has changed vastly from the original version. Diamonds are now long gone. It it's place, the eRepublik team put in titanium. Titanium is used to make deadly weapons. The quality system of goods have now been upgraded to become more customizable, which I adore because it can be used to fit your own scenario more effectively. Unfortunately, everything that is might be beneficial to you costs gold, which is a real pain in the dairy ann. The downside is the problem with there is a problem with the fluxuaton of prices, which will lead to a very unstable economy. I worry constantly that the value of the USD might deflate. There are a few things that need to change for the economic module to run in top shape because as of now, it is severely broken. I was never a fan of the economic module to begin with, but I think the changes made have made it that much more exciting.

A reason why eRepublik Rising gets you more involved now is because of its twenty-four hour allocation system. Sorry two-clickers, that will mean it will be more difficult for you do what you guys are best at because we don't just click a button anymore. Instead, we must designate how our time will be spend in a mock twenty-four hour day into four quarters: working, training, studying, and leisure time. Since none of these are required, you can adjust them to fit your style of game play.

The most impressive revamp of eRepublik Rising is without a doubt the war module. Player versus player conflict is here, so instead of clicking a button and seeing how many points of damage you inflicted, you can actually become a prominent strategist with four different weapons: infantry, air, artillery, and tank. This strongly reminds me of my days playing Advance Wars on the Nintendo Game Boy Advance because the critical strategy involved. What I was surprised about was how important terrain plays.

Overall, I think that eRepublik Rising is indeed rising. All three modules of the game have been revamped for the better, making them more compatible with the players. The previous version was choppy and dull. Now, you actually need to think. Sorry two-clickers. The only problem I see is that gold boosters are everywhere. There is a small percentage of people who do pay to play this game, but the game will be more challenging (and tempting) for people who do not pay and play. In addition, there are no more gifts, which will make it harder to for people who made wellness mistakes to correct them. There is no doubt in my mind that eRepublik is rising!

+Better graphics throughout
+More organized and easier to see where everything is
+Updated modules are better and customized to suit you
+War module is fantastic! Highlight of v2.

-Boosters can cost you a lot of gold
-Economic module could use work
-Gifts are long gone

On a side note, this game is so extravagant, that there are even some lame copycat imitators out there. Just recently, I got an invitation to play eJahan. It stinks, so make the real original game, eRepublik Rising. If you like what you read, please vote, comment, or subby. Thank you!