My speech

Day 236, 07:03 Published in Hungary Hungary by Peter Richter

Dear readers of my news.
I have decided to compose and publicize my speech for the local elections which will occur in a couple of days.

My main points are:
1) Lower the various taxes which the mayor has at his disposal. If we want to prosper, we have to persuade companies and people to move here, which will only happen if we offer better conditions than other regions.

2) Central Citizen Registry -> This means there would be a Registry where all active citizens from the region would be listed so we know who is active because the current number does not represent the real number of people who login.

3) City Council -> I wouldn"t run the region alone but would have a council set up, which would have a advisory role, meaning they would participate on the running of the region and would have some powers so that the region is built on a consensus basis rather than a one person basis..

Thank you for reading my speech and hopefully after July 20th we will start building a prosper region which we all went to have.

Peter Richter